Far-Out Fact The SRBs burn with a thrust [link to glossary] of 11.8 million Newtons [link to Newtons info below]. They burn five tonnes of fuel per second. The gases exit the nozzle at a speed of 9656 km/hour (6000 mi./hr.), about five times the speed of sound. Far-Out Fact The combustion gases inside the SRB motor reach temperatures of 3371C (6100F)Ñabout two-thirds the temperature of the surface of the sun. ThatÕs hot enough to boil steel. However, because of the motorÕs special insulation, the outer casing only reaches temperatures of 54C (129F). Far-Out Fact The SRBs are 45.47 metres (149 feet) long. ThatÕs about the same length as Seismosaurus [link to Seismosaurus drawing with person and SRB see Laura for image], possibly the longest dinosaur ever found. ItÕs also equal to the height of the Statue of Liberty (minus the pedestal). Far-Out Fact Each SRB has a 3.71-metre (12.2-foot) diameter and weighs almost 91 tonnes (100.3 tons) when empty. ThatÕs about the same as 15 elephants would weigh.